
United Way Relies on Nelnet as a Pacesetter Organization

Since its founding, Nelnet has been an ardent supporter of the United Way. As we have grown into an organization with associates located in nearly every state, partnering with a nationally strong organization like United Way has made it easier for Nelnet to live our core value of giving back to the communities in which we live and work.

The Growth of Giving at Nelnet

Nelnet Business Services Software Analyst Susan Hoover has been highly dedicated to raising money with Nelnet’s United Way campaigns since starting with the company 20 years ago. Spearheading the Nelnet campaign from corporate headquarters in Lincoln, Neb., she works with United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County. As one of the chapter’s largest local contributors, Nelnet is identified each year as a “Pacesetter” organization. Pacesetter companies are asked to help kick off the campaign a few months earlier than the traditional giving campaign season, which begins in September.

According to Hoover, Nelnet’s contributions have grown substantially over her 20 years. In 2015, the Nelnet Foundation started what is today called its Matching Gifts Program, matching associate contributions on a 1:1 basis and doubling associate impact. For new donations by an associate, Nelnet matches contributions on a 2:1 basis for triple the impact. In 2015, associate contributions to United Way went from nearly $258,000 to over $675,000 with the match program.

In addition to creating more community impact, the commitment by Nelnet’s leadership to match associate contributions with this program further reinforces that the core value of giving back isn’t just lip service: it’s also a commitment to taking authentic action while strengthening associates’ dedication to giving back.

Nelnet joined forces with Union Bank in a 2017 campaign, with a combined goal of raising $1 million. Hoover said the campaign was “Rise to a Million” and the internal theme was “Rise to the Challenge.” Nelnet alone raised over $831,000 that year. In 2018, Nelnet exceeded $1 million for the first time on its own, setting a new standard for the company moving forward.

The Impact of United Way

In addition to offering a national presence and a way for all Nelnet associates to give back to their local communities through one organization, a partnership with United Way provides other advantages. Beyond her 20 years coordinating United Way campaigns at Nelnet, Hoover has served over 10 years on the Cabinet for United Way of Lincoln and Lancaster County as a Campaign Coach.

One of many things Hoover appreciates about United Way is the organization’s comprehensive approach to community needs. “I do not have to know where my community needs the most help. There isn’t enough time in the day. United Way does the research, screens agencies or their programs to ensure that there’s no duplication of services, and monitors the usage of the funds they provide,” she added.

I do not have to know where my community needs the most help. There isn’t enough time in the day. United Way does the research, screens agencies or their programs to ensure that there’s no duplication of services, and monitors the usage of the funds they provide

Susan Hoover

Nelnet Business Services Software Analyst

As United Way Steering Committeee member and Managing Director of Nelnet Renewable Energy Alyssa Martin pointed out, “United Way’s mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of people to serve those in our communities in the areas of health, education, and economic mobility.”

Nelnet Diversified Services Director of Associate Engagement and Experience Jessica Schumacher, a fellow United Way Steering Committee member, shared her enthusiasm. “I feel passionately about maximizing Nelnet’s strong tie to United Way to give back because of their mission to improve lives in local communities. They accomplish this by funding local agencies that have the largest impact to support and advance the outcome in three areas—education, income, and health—which form the building blocks for a good quality of life and a strong community.”

United Way supports both the people in our local community who can most benefit from such support as well as those in service positions, including the advocates, caregivers, and teachers who daily embody that principle of ‘It is in forgetting oneself that one finds oneself.’ That is why I contribute to United Way.

Alyssa Martin

Nelnet Renewable Energy Managing Director

Hoover’s family has benefitted from several United Way partner agencies such as the Alzheimer’s Association, TeamMates, and Meals on Wheels, with the personal connection fueling her commitment. “United Way agencies serve people at all income levels, so I feel fortunate that I can give back and help others,” she said.

Added Schumacher, “I feel a strong feeling of responsibility to help bridge the gap for those families who are struggling. This is why I choose to give to United Way. Advocating for this cause allows me to contribute to a network that works tirelessly to support children and families, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to thrive.”

I feel a strong feeling of responsibility to help bridge the gap for those families who are struggling. This is why I choose to give to United Way. Advocating for this cause allows me to contribute to a network that works tirelessly to support children and families, ensuring they have access to the resources they need to thrive.

Jessica Schumacher

Nelnet Diversified Services Director of Associate Engagement and Experience

Leading by Example

As the United Way Steering Committee geared up for the 2024 campaign, committee members shared with associates why they participate in United Way. They hoped to exceed last year’s results: Associates pledged over $508,804 in 2023, with matching gifts of $580,466 added for a total of $1,089,270. The 2023 United Way campaign served prioritized needs in over 120 United Way chapters nationwide—communities that Nelnet associates call home.

120+ Communities
United Way 2023 Pledges. Associates: $508,804. Matching Gift: $580,466. United Way Total: $1,089,270

It’s a dream partnership. Nelnet’s leadership supports and magnifies the impact of associates who are passionate about giving back. United Way is an impactful organization that makes it simple and effective for associates to target key areas of need in their many local communities. With continued effort, both organizations will continue addressing essential local needs to help build stronger, more compassionate, and thriving communities.


Susie McCormick

Senior Corporate Communications Writer