Nelnet Raises $1,041,657 for United Way

Giving back to the communities in which we live and work By Jeff Deans August 21, 2023

Every year, Nelnet hosts a company-wide United Way campaign where associates team up to help communities where they live and work.

As part of the campaign, Nelnet matches all donations dollar-for-dollar, and new donors receive a 2-to-1 match—tripling their impact. All donations go directly to the local United Way organizations in the communities where our participating associates reside.

For the 2023 What U Can Do campaign, associates learned just how far these dollars can go with smart money management and local prioritization by the United Way:

  • $2 per paycheck can provide free books to 10 kids for a year.
  • $5 per paycheck can provide technology access to 30 low-income people.
  • $6 per paycheck can teach 28 kids at the YMCA to swim.
  • $10 per paycheck can provide training to 8 disaster relief volunteers.
  • $20 per paycheck can provide 50 hours of tutoring for struggling teens.

In total, 945 associates powered a $1,041,657 fundraising campaign, including 170 new donors.

This money will be used to serve prioritized nonprofit needs in 29 communities that Nelnet associates call home.

Thanks to all associates who helped make our 2023 United Way campaign a success.




Jeff Deans

Copy Director

Jeff Deans is a Copy Director. With decades of creative experience behind his work, he concepts ideas and crafts language for a wide range of projects and businesses across Nelnet. Away from the keyboard, Jeff turns his creative focus to smoking meats, obsessing over fantasy football, and getting lost in TikTok.