Meet Nelnet’s Wellness Program

Creating an awesome work environment By Jordan Snader June 18, 2020

Working out is hard. In fact (if you aren’t already doing it) making any sort of change is hard – even if it’s for the best. And even when you decide to make a healthy choice – go on runs, plan your meals, skip the sweets – it’s tough to keep the momentum up. So what’s the solution?

First, it’s important to see these choices as part of a larger effort. A wellness journey, if you well. Second, involve others in that journey. Find a community that supports you and knows what you’re going through (largely because they’re going through it right next to you).

Knowing that, Nelnet found a way to create such a community and reward associates for their efforts. Enter: the Nelnet Wellness Program. It’s a major perk of life at Nelnet – here’s a quick overview.

Holistic Health

Nelnet believes in holistic wellness. Physical health is obviously very important, but in order to live a well-balanced, healthy life, we believe in supporting four major “pillars” of wellness: Physical, Financial, Professional, and Personal.

Make Healthy Choices, Earn Real Cash

Nelnet associates can use a tool called WellAware to manage their health and wellness. When they log workout sessions, healthy meals, and smart choices in the portal, they earn points. If they earn enough points, they’ll earn cash based on the type of healthcare plan they have.

  • No health plan with Nelnet: $100 paycheck addition
  • Single-coverage health plan: $225 Health Savings Account deposit
  • Dependent-coverage health plan: $450 Health Savings Account deposit

Associates can also win separate prizes by participating in contests held throughout the year.

On-Demand Wellness Database

Using WellAware, associates can do more than earn points. The tool makes it easy to keep track of their wellness journey – logging the food they eat, steps they take, or establish their workout routine. Associates can also explore workout plans, recipes, and tips for overall wellness.

Fitness Reimbursement

Through Nelnet’s HealthyMe Buck$ reimbursement program, associates are given $300 every year to spend on improving their health and wellness. Fitness equipment for at-home workouts, dieting programs or health coaching resources, gym memberships, smartwatches and fitness trackers – they’re all eligible.


Annual Health Screenings

Nelnet holds in-office health screenings every year to give associates an overall view of their health. Much like a checkup, they measure things like body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure – they can even get a free flu shot while they’re there! If associates meet their goals, they earn free individual health premiums for the rest of the year.

Professional and Financial Growth

We encourage our associates to continue learning – even if they already have a degree. Through our tuition reimbursement program, we help cover up to $5,250 in annual tuition for associates who have been here for at least a year. We’ll also support your financial growth by matching 401(k) contributions and give you the chance to set up a Health Savings Account (HSA) for unexpected health expenses.

We believe wellness is about more than health. It’s about the enjoyment of life. Making memories. Spending time with the people we love. That’s what’s important to us – and why we want to help you be well every single day.

Want to take advantage of the benefits and perks of working at Nelnet? Check out our available opportunities to join the team!




Jordan Snader

Creative Writer and Social Strategist

Jordan Snader is Nelnet’s creative writer and social strategist. In this role, he writes social media content and provides writing support for a variety of Nelnet businesses. One of Jordan’s favorite things about his current position is the opportunity to work on and learn something new each day. When he’s not putting an imaginary pen to paper, he enjoys going on long walks into the sunset and pretending to be Gordon Ramsay in the kitchen.