Nelnet Hosts Draft for 20+ Additional Interns

Creating an awesome work environment Giving back to the communities in which we live and work Pursuing opportunities for diversification and growth By Maddie LeBlanc July 22, 2020

In March 2020, life changed – fast.

Classes went remote. Students had to move. And many companies cancelled or postponed summer internship opportunities.

That’s where we came in.

After losing their original summer opportunities, many students reached out to Nelnet’s recruiting team to ask if there were any open roles or ways they could contribute over the summer. Not long after that, Mike Dunlap, Nelnet founder and executive chairman, initiated and prioritized an expansion of Nelnet’s summer intern program.

Once that happened, it was all hands on deck. Hiring managers, leaders, and associates across the company worked together to find places where interns wouldn’t just have a job, but would be able to have a valuable, worthwhile experience. Replacing the students’ summer income (though very important) wasn’t enough – the experience needed to be present.

Nelnet extended 23 additional summer internship offers in an incredibly short timeframe. Managers were on board. Remote workspaces were arranged. Teams expanded – and the new interns were welcomed with open arms.
Service means stepping up when challenges arise. Doing whatever it takes to support those in need. Seeing opportunities, and making the most of every single one.

Curious about the newest group of interns? We asked a few of them to share their thoughts on starting their newest gig.

“Being able to have this internship during these trying times means more to me than you could know. As a junior at UNL this summer may have been one of my last chances to gather real-world programming and tech experience before heading into the industry. I will always be grateful for such an opportunity.” – Zoe Hudson, business analyst intern

“Being able to continue at Nelnet with my position during the current times makes me feel valued, as many of my peers don’t have this opportunity. To me, this proves that Nelnet is not simply looking at their interns as a means to an end, but that they value us as people who want to learn and thrive.” – Thomas Braccia, software engineering intern

“I am extremely grateful for Nelnet giving me the opportunity to work with them this summer. I lost my original internship plans due to the effects of COVID-19 and the fact that I can continue to strengthen my education over the summer is incredible. I know that this is an extremely challenging time for everyone and the fact that Nelnet opened their doors to me means the world.” – Audra Heyne, IT intern

“Nelnet’s efforts to maintain their internships remotely, and maintain flexibility to my living situation and current accommodations, have made me incredibly impressed and satisfied with my internship. It’s shown me that Nelnet is committed to the success of their interns.” – Hunter Godina, software engineering intern




Maddie LeBlanc

Campus Recruiting Intern