The Importance of Transparency

Communicating openly and honestly By Kyle Danielson July 27, 2021

Transparency is a necessity in today’s business world. It benefits everyone and helps set goals that all can understand and contribute to. At Nelnet, we value open and honest communication with associates and customers because it’s the right thing to do. Here are some reasons why transparency from the top down is so important.

More Efficient Problem Solving

With open communication, employees learn more about the company and their coworkers. This transparent communication from leadership facilitates more effective problem solving. By being open about company problems, employees can do a better job of finding solutions to those problems. When everyone is on the same page, it provides clarity on who should be doing what and why.

Stronger Teams

Transparency brings people together and helps a team find better, smarter solutions. Leaders must be able to discuss what is going right and wrong within the team, because it allows the team to capitalize on their strengths and work to improve their weaknesses. It also lets the team mix and match certain assignments based on individual strengths and weaknesses. This open platform helps the team grow together and find new ways to operate at the best possible level.

More Trust in Leadership

Honest leadership can lead to a ripple effect with employees being more open about their feelings toward the company. Being transparent in bad times can strengthen leadership, as people can trust you as a person for being honest about less than ideal circumstances, and respect you even more as a leader. Being able to empathize and level with people is a great way to build trust and strengthen relationships, and employees want to work with people they can understand and rally behind.

Transparency at Nelnet

Here at Nelnet we achieve transparency with weekly briefing emails and news updates on our associate portal, including extensive communications to keep associates updated during the pandemic. From office return planning, messages on the importance of vaccines, or promoting responsible sources of information, Nelnet leadership kept associates in the loop every step of the way.

Another great way Nelnet leadership maintains transparency is through two internal podcasts, “News from Nelnet Executives” and “The Inner Circle.” A recent podcast of “News from Nelnet Executives” covered how potential new legislations could impact the student loan landscape, and “The Inner Circle” recently discussed Nelnet Renewable Energy’s ventures into sustainable energy and key insights on this new business line.

Communicating openly and honestly keeps people in the loop every step of the way, plus it’s the right thing to do. Learn more about Nelnet’s values and story.




Kyle Danielson

Associate Creative Writer

Kyle Danielson is an associate creative writer for Nelnet. He works on a number of different writing projects for Nelnet's vast array of businesses. Kyle's favorite part of his job is that he can (sometimes) incorporate horrendous puns into his writing. In his free time, Kyle likes to inhale ramen and hide from the sun playing video games.