Get Active with Jessica Campbell

Creating an awesome work environment By Dana Staats November 24, 2020

Senior People Services Consultant Jessica Campbell is no stranger to getting active – but when she faced an impossible obstacle, staying active became a challenge. Find out how getting and staying active helped her not only overcome, but thrive.

How would you say your history of activeness has been?

“I’ve always been kind of active. A lot of times, not as much as I should have been. Last year wasn’t a pleasant year for me – cancer got me and my immunotherapy induced Type I diabetes on me. I wasn’t in the best shape to begin with when that happened to me. It was kind of a wake-up call. It helped me reprioritize things in my life. Healthier nutrition and overall fitness. Ever since then, it’s been golden. My motivation and determination – and most of all my desire to help others.”

What’s your motivation for staying active?

“I’m seeing massive results. From the scale to the clothes sizes – it kicked my motivation into overdrive. When people tell me they’re tired and sluggish, it’s on my radar. I’ll ask them to go on a walk, or tell them to try it out. I’ve also become a Beachbody coach, so I’m having so much fun helping others set and achieve their goals.”

How has working from home changed the way you diet?

Ready to take Jessica’s lead and get active? As a Nelnet associate, you could take advantage of our great culture of wellness. Come see the other benefits of a Nelnet career!



Dana Staats

Senior Corporate Communications Writer