Finding Balance with Tracy Keller

Creating an awesome work environment By Dana Staats December 14, 2020

IT Senior Business Analyst Tracy Keller knows that wellness won’t work without balance. “Wellness isn’t just adhering to a super strict, unattainable regimen. It’s about balancing physical, mental, and spiritual health with the realities of day-to-day life.” Find out how Tracy finds harmony in all aspects of her life.

What does wellness mean to you?

I think it means balance. I’ve been trying to convey to my kids that everything needs to be done in moderation. You can balance out the not-so-good habits with the good ones. I try to incorporate that into my life in terms of eating and exercise and sleep. But, on the other hand, I like to have fun and go out with friends (not so much, recently). If I want to have a dessert or sweets or chips, as long as I’m kind of finding the balance – to me that’s wellness.

How important has variety been – how else have you stayed motivated?

Variety is key. I’ve pretty much practiced that all the time. My exercising of choice involves walking with the dog, kayaking on a nearby river, playing tennis, doing yoga, and getting on the bike trails. My younger sister is a physical trainer, and she started a Zoom workout with me and my other two sisters once or twice a week. Where we live right now in Rhode Island, there are a lot of options. I really dig that, because it’d be really boring if I was just trying to go to the gym.

What is your advice on staying healthy during the holidays?

What I do is just continue being active. Sure I let the diet go a little bit, but I forgive myself for that because I’m active enough. It’s not the ideal scenario, but I’m still going to do yoga, I’m still going to play tennis, and I’m still active. The world doesn’t stop for the holidays, and it’s a brief period of time. As long as you’re balancing it out with doing activities you enjoy, especially as a family.

Looking to strike the right balance in your life? As a Nelnet associate, you could take advantage of our awesome wellness culture. Come see the other benefits of a Nelnet career!



Dana Staats

Senior Corporate Communications Writer