Matching Gifts Offers Associates Double Donation Power

Giving back to the communities in which we live and work By Jeff Deans April 23, 2024

Nelnet’s 1:1 Matching Gifts Program helps associates make a bigger impact in their community.

Giving back to the communities where we live and work has always been a company value at Nelnet.

That’s why we invest in our communities in a big way with our Matching Gift Program—available to all full- and part-time associates with at least six months of service.

With Matching Gift, associates who donate over $100 to an approved nonprofit receive a 1:1 match from Nelnet. If associates donate to a K12 school, college, or university, they receive a 3:1 match from Nelnet.

This program not only doubles (or quadruples) the giving power of over 7,000 associates, but it also spreads charitable gifts to the communities that Nelnet associates call home.

This program is wonderful because it helps many different people in various ways. Associates feel more motivated when they give more generously, and non-profits and schools of all kinds and places receive the benefit.

Ben Kiser
Ben Kiser

President, Nelnet Foundation

Beyond matched giving, Nelnet offers several other ways that associates can make an impact in the communities that matter to them:

  • Service Days and Events
  • Supply Drives
  • Junior Achievement Partnerships
  • TeamMates Mentoring Partnerships
  • United Way Drives

Additionally, since its founding in 2004, the Nelnet Foundation has granted millions of dollars to hundreds of organizations, making an even bigger impact on lives in communities across the country.

The Nelnet Foundation focuses on giving back to the communities where Nelnet associates live and work—a core value of the company. The Foundation’s work focuses on education and scholarships, as well as youth programs and widespread support for all our communities.

Combine those funds with the power of Matched Giving, and Nelnet associates and communities both reap the benefits of much bigger donations.




Jeff Deans

Copy Director

Jeff Deans is a Copy Director. With decades of creative experience behind his work, he concepts ideas and crafts language for a wide range of projects and businesses across Nelnet. Away from the keyboard, Jeff turns his creative focus to smoking meats, obsessing over fantasy football, and getting lost in TikTok.