Nelnet Sidekicks Step Up in 2020

Creating an awesome work environment By Dana Staats January 15, 2021

If there’s anyone who’s happy about all the time we’ve spent at home in 2020, it’s our pets. As loving, loyal members of our families, they’re thrilled to have their people around full-time. That’s why when duty called, they were a natural fit to step up as Nelnet Sidekicks.

Recently, we asked our associates to share what makes their Nelnet Sidekicks so spectacular.

Best Bosses

“My pup loves to keep an eye on me while I work.” – Katie Humphries

Katie Humphries' Dog - Nelnet sidekicks

“My dog is my personal trainer. Her guilt glare is why I was walking this morning at 7:30 among snow flurries.” – Jeff Kalasinski

Jeff Kalasinski's Dog - Nelnet Sidekicks

“Jack’s always watching me to make sure I stay on task.” Kim Christiansen

Kim Christiansen's Dog - Nelnet Sidekicks

“Marley helps review apps for the ED Compliance team.” – Tia Marie Immonen

Tia Marie Immonen's Dog - Nelnet Sidekicks

Cuddly Coworkers

“These fine 10-year-old ladies are Moe and Sumner. They are litter mates and have been wonderful companions for me! I found a tumor on Sumner in October and she’s not doing too well, so it’s been very nice to spend all these months working from home and cuddling them both a little extra! They love taking turns on my lap in the mornings watching the mouse move on the screen.” – Allie Steensnes

Allie Steensnes' Cats - Nelnet Sidekicks

“This guy has become my coworker, he’s always stealing my office chair. His name is Tommy, we rescued him a little over 3 years ago.” – Kelly Mormann

Rescue Rangers

“Apollo – he survived my house fire 3 years ago. His middle name is Lucky.” – Jim Kreul

Jim Kreul's Dog - Nelnet Sidekicks

“Meet BearBear. She was a light in a dark time. We found her wandering outside on the same day that we learned that we lost our baby in 2014. We put up posters and posted on social media and at the human society. No one ever claimed this 4 lb. adorable, loving, little pooch. We truthfully believe she was sent to us at the right time for a reason. She sleeps under my desk curled up with my other pup, Gobbie, while I work and always has to be near me.” – Tiffany Wittrock

Tiffany Wittrock's Dog - Nelnet Sidekicks

“Both Layla (15-year-old black lab mix) and Bruno (3 year old mix) were adopted. They make sure I get outside for some fresh air a few times a day.” – Stacey Odle

Stacey Odle's Dogs - Nelnet Sidekicks

“We rescued Duke from Dolly’s Legacy in February of this year and he is an absolute sweetheart! We love him so much!” – Megan Gould

Megan Gould with her dog and fiancé - Nelnet Sidekicks

Sleepy Slackers

“They don’t care who’s around, honestly.” – Samantha Volker

Samantha Volker's Dogs - Nelnet Sidekicks

“My coworkers are the laziest! They lay here all day while I do all the work!” – Marissa Olson

Marissa Olson's Dogs - Nelnet Sidekicks

Keep up the good work, Nelnet Sidekicks!

Do you and your pet have what it takes for #LifeAtNelnet? Check out our available career opportunities!



Dana Staats

Senior Corporate Communications Writer